Tuesday, February 28, 2006

k, i have an urge to link you to some dance music!

yup, that's right, Dance!
i love to!
it's sunny today in TO, a cold minus 4 deg. celcius, but i like it!
it's invigorating...and as soon as my ski committment is up i'm back to some urban activities...like dancing...(i want to take some hip hop lessons).. and my strolls up Yonge Street checking out the scene
it's so energizing!...

think i have to reconnect with people vis-a-vis too...been doing a fair bit of e-mail, IM and web-site dating chit-chat, (even purchased a web-cam for this very purpose)....

but sadly since my last disappointment New Year's Eve!!...(can you believe it?)...nothing solid has geled on the romance front in the flesh....other than a very promising hopeful who lives all the way down in Ohio!!... i'm set to meet Lee in a few weeks...i'm happy about this and we'll just have to see how it all pans out... what i will say is he the first person in a long long time to be supportive, complimentary and kind to me...incredible isn't it? that in a city of 2mil. plus people i could not find someone here?...suppose i didn't look in the right places...

in the meanwhile..."Get down on it" people...get with the groove, check out some tunes, and get back into life now that the light is shining upon us all ....



checking out for now,

Monday, February 27, 2006

Pisces New Moon Blessing

From MoonCircles, please find article on today's new moon in Pisces
Make your list of 10 written wishes with all matters to do with spiritual, mystical, artistic and dreamy realms....trust in your intuition this week!

Pisces New Moon Blessing:One With Everything
By Dana Gerhardt
At this Pisces New Moon, let’s recall Swami Beyondananda’s prayer to the hot dog vendor: "Make me one with everything."
"You know that thing that was on top of the thing?" This is how my son often talks. He’s a teenager and he’s got Mercury in Pisces, which means I’ve often got swirling cartoon clouds above my head wondering what he just said. When he was younger, he was more the Pisces oracle. Once while driving him to second grade he announced, "There is no end to the world." Ah. I was momentarily relieved of my fears of a nuclear holocaust and global warming, or supernovas of the sun and asteroid collisions. "What I mean is, there’s no edge you can fall off of." Oh. I considered all the looming disasters in my adult mind. A child molester working the streets where my son rode his scooter. A crazed gunman approaching the stairs of my workplace. Becoming a bag lady when social security disappears. "What I mean is, you just keep walking, the earth goes on and on." Oh, the world is round! That was a happy thought. And suddenly at our usual stoplight, I had a Pisces moment. I noticed the sky was blue and the sun was shining. I felt dreamy and blessed. I felt the world was filled with love and I was One with everything.
Pisces stirs both faith and fears. It drifts, is absorbent, sympathetic, sacrificing; also evasive and imaginative. It can take us into transcendence or confusion. It can make us poets or simply delusional. At this New Moon, Pisces is the celestial clay given for each of us to shape. We can remain blobs of confusion, or we can re-imagine our world. With Uranus conjunct the Sun and Moon, we’re especially encouraged to shake things up. Uranus brings change. Even the bravest client may shiver when an astrologer says "changes" are on the way. But change is a natural part of life. And the expectation of change is appropriate this month, just weeks away from Spring. In Spring you will be stirred to leap forward, to act on your innermost desires—maybe try the thrill of hang-gliding, or make that push for a higher paying job, or finally end a toxic relationship. Whatever you desire to do, remember there’s a proper order to things. The necessity this month is to calm your spirit, see your dream, and raise your faith.
Pisces is also a porous and vulnerable sign. This cycle unexpected events may overwhelm you. Negative people can confuse you. Anxiety can drain precious energy and produce nothing useful in return. Haste now might bring carelessness or wasted effort. Addictions can grow in power. You can let yourself be drawn into all this psychic negativity, but why? With grace, beauty, and a quiet joy, Pisces teaches there’s great strength in serenity. When you stay calm, you stay in control. When you’re calm, you’re more creative. When you’re calm, you realize the challenges ahead are probably much less dire than the imaginative ones you fear. When you’re calm, you understand the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
This New Moon is a perfect time to open to celestial possibilities. One night this week, approach the sky with your most mystical self. Forget how astronomers have named the stars or astrologers have interpreted the planets. Simply enter the night and see if there is a twinkling light—a star or planet--that catches your notice. Settle your mind and ask: "Do you have a message for me?" The answer may come in words. Or it may not. It may come as a feeling, a sensation, a new conviction. It may come immediately or hours later. Your work is simply to be receptive and reverent. Thank the sky by agreeing to bring this message into your world—through a new decision or action, a changed perspective, an inspiration you share with another. You may even want to name your star and commune with it throughout the month.
And who said the universe doesn’t have a sense of humor? It’s tax time. As many of us gather receipts and stare at columns of numbers, trickster Mercury will be retrograde (from March 3 to March 25). Beware of errors, signatures you forget to sign, envelopes you forget to stamp. Mercury’s retrograde means it’s dream time for your alert and very hard-working left brain. Your rational mind needs a little vacation. Everyone’s does. That’s why appointments will be missed, communications will misfire, and Mercury’s co-conspirators, machinery, will break down. Through it all, keep your good humor and realize that yes, you are One with everything!
© 2006
Dana GerhardtAll rights reserved

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Today's Daily thoughts

It's sunny and relatively warm here in Toronto, on this 23rd day of February, 2006 --- about -3deg C....very nice....like spring!...i feel so good....in love...with life, with a new on-line chat mate, so wonderful to feel this good again!...it's been a long long time...

today as i jogged down University Avenue i loved the springness in the air...i do love the winter, it's crispness and sharpness, but i also love to hear the birds chirp and the way the sun shone upon the flags as their metal tags clanged on the poles beneath them; i noticed a French flag, an Italian and an American one amongst the Canadian ones all along University Ave...i passed many war memorials....ad nova astra -- to the airmen who fought in WWI at Dundas and then at Queen...the lovely crowned angel standing opposite Sir Adam Beck of Chippewa - Trent fame

Little did i know the Chippewa figures into the posting i put up yesterday in the lyrics section...
the Gordon Lightfoot song about the Edmund Fitzgerald ......there were so many references in that song that me reflect on history..and my personal history too... i recalled how Lake Superior looked that fall day when we ate smoked whitefish by the bay.......

...kitty-korner to the war memorial angel is the new Canadian Opera House...beautifully architected and being built by one of our very own clients...i feel so proud of all of this...and knowing that one day soon my mom and I and maybe my little nieces, sister and sister-in-law will get to go inside those cobalt laced black bricks to see some wonderful ballet...

at 40 i'm more fit than ever, and so happy to be alive~!... i feel so so so much better than i have in weeks/ months....a new beginning...since i've been posting on here i've reawkened a side of me that's been largely dormant for a long time, so excuse the scrambled jumpy hither to there approach....there's just so much i want to say and get out!...

you see i finally wrote a poem for Wendy, the lovely girl who sadly died in a ski racing accident some 15 years ago...and i think i've been harbouring some misplaced guilt about this for some time....it was through the encouragement of my new friend to write that i was finally able to catharcize this somewhat...now i need to do the same for some other people i lost along the way...(that's a Bob Marley song which reminds me of a Beatles one too, "In my Life".... )

on the music note, i'm going to go back and post Buffy Sainte Marie's "Fallen Angels" on the tree poem...
i'm so very excited about my new found literary and music afficiando friend whom i introduced to you yesterday.... do be sure to keep checking his blog for great directives on new music and reflections on the classics

it's amazing how once you start directing your life towards the things that give you joy everything becomes so much more sunny!!

sorry for the disjointed post...
ciao for now, mes amis,

Picture: LP cover DaveMatthews Band

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


i've come across an amazing blogsite from a truly witty writer who puts such a spin on me
i have to introduce you to him, he's a reservoir of cool literary and music reviews....i'm surprised he's not employed in such a field!...at the very least he ought to be a writer...and he is!


i actually feel a little possessive of him, as though he is somehow "mine", and i don't want to share him with you, but he is too wonderful and great to be contained and held captive by the mere fact i somehow "discovered" him, no he is just as these dolphins, free, but in unison with the other...in perfect synchronistic timing he aided me further on my own path

Now by comparison i feel so trite? amateurish? unoriginal and uninspiring...however i never professed to be a writer....just an observor..so i'm here to point you to more interesting places to go...

i'm not an expert html'er...and i'm ahead of myself here in just wanting to "post!" get it out...to the empty pews....it matters not, it just somehow has to flow, like the river around those rocks i've placed in my own path....just go!...how i long to return to the Forks of the Credit park and sit by my river...

'til then i have this, and i have Whistler to look forward to...and springtime and love!...yes, in a confusing and mysterious way i think i'm in love with a ghost, a fragmented one....a disconnected and dissected spirit...and yet i love all these facets, all the myriad ...all the ways it is being shown me... (makes me think of that 54-50 song)

yes, i believe in "signs" how one thing leads to another and we are guided to our next step, we are always seeking that "sign"....be it some sychronistic event, some happenstance déja vu, some recondite, otherwise banal experience that because of its connection to some mindful thought becomes meaningful...


do i sound "crazy" yet? no, just jumbled and excited to get all this out, and soon i will organize it more clearly for you to hopefuly try to understand...if you care to!

here's a thought, from Rob Brezny:

Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You With Blessings

Monday, February 20, 2006

lots of thoughts

This weekend away gave me plenty of time in solitude to consider some things

a) certain people must be "lost" for my life to peacefully go forward
b) certain kinds of people are to be avoided in the future
c) get centred doing the things that bring me the most joy
d) protect that centre (guard those boundaries)
e) we need to insulate ourselves from harmful others who are envious, or otherwise just vindictive
f) not all people are emotionally healthy, and those that admit to not being are part-way there to healing
g) many people project alot of their "crap" onto others
h) you can't always be a "giver", sometimes you must receive and "fill-up" your reservoire
i) some people are delusional about their worth (often it's the most humble who are the greatest teachers)...i saw a short piece on Steve Nash last night that so inspired and lifted me up
The Steve Nash Foundation :: About
j) i will get this blog organized in the fashion i've planned...
k) i will proceed with my own goals
l) i will enjoy my life, each moment, each event, each unfortunate circumstance and disappointment is just fuel for other things that may be even greater and better, but at least different
m) i enjoy teaching skiing, i am good at it and i love being with the little kids who are so smart!
n) not all people are worthy of me, my time, my energy, my care and concern
o) i've been wasting some time on certain people and projects in avoidance of other things i need to be doing
p) i will not get it all sorted out immediately, but eventually
q) i love skiing!...and doing the moguls :o)
r) i have a lot to offer the right person, who recognizes my worth...i've sadly, in the past given myself away to those who not did value me, or deserve me
s) i will complete my application for the Counselling Certificate program and then help those who truly wish to be helped
t) i will write more poems, there is one about a tree coming, it will be very cathartic
u) lists are wonderful little organizational tools when we're pressed for time and need to just get it all out there in short time
v) i am looking forward to Whistler!
w) i truly enjoy my time at the gym
x) i feel horrible for what is happening to animals around this globe
y) i wish i could do more than i am doing to help the suffering of this world
z) i believe in a guiding force, in an energy, in an over-riding "good" and i will not sucuumb, fall victim to anyone else's agenda for self-aggrandizement
aa) we are all free to write in this sphere and expose ourselves, our thoughts, fears, failures, hopes
bb) do not let anyone use your own self-critiques as "bullets" against you, don't give them ammunition
cc) if you're a sensitive soul with some degree of humility there are always going to be "wolves" at your door...don't let them in!!
dd) protect and insulate yourself from jerks
ee) i will help others to do this from the way i have learned to do this
ff) don't mess with anyone crazier than you are! ha ha...always a good one to remember!
gg) get on with my life!...and forget the losers who lost you

Today's Quote
You are more precious than heaven and earth.You know not your own worth. Sell not yourself at a little price,being so precious in the eyes of God.--Rumi

The Key to Liberation
More Inspiration Solutions
Adapted from The Path of the Human Being, by Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi (Shambhala, 2003). Meet Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi at the Omega Being Fearless Conference, 3/31-4/2. See http://www.eomega.org/omega/conferences/048726377f35035dc42ebf75d365bc54/?source=Care2.
The Buddha taught that suffering is an inevitable aspect of life; this is his first noble truth. But if you stop there and look no further into his teaching, you will miss the whole point. Given all the problems in the world, we could easily become discouraged, even hopeless, about ever finding true peace of mind. But the Buddha’s teaching brings hope and confidence in our ability to go to the root cause of suffering. Find out the true key to liberation as explained by this noted Buddhist teacher, here.


Friday, February 17, 2006

still busy with work today...and yet...

and yet i feel compelled somehow to post something, why? not sure...not even sure anyone's reading this.....or that it even matters, since this is my kinda on-line journal (not really there are other sites for that kind of thing)

i guess it's getting a little more challenging to post to the "universe" without knowing what the "universe" really needs

here's something i was thinking....

i need to stick to my "specialities"...just as you need to stick to yours...that's how the world will function best...

so my special gifts are i believe my astro insights and some basic intuitive psychologic type proclivity...i want to help people reach their truest potential...

so step one:
Know Thyself...be completely honest with yourself about who you are and what you want from your life...that's not always easy to do....alot of things happen to us ....many influences will guide us on our way....sometimes we end up pursuing paths that really don't lead to our ultimate growth....

so that's a bit of a segeway into another point.....just as you can tell a man by the company he keeps....and just as we reap what we sow, and what we Believe IS, in fact becomes what IS, therefore we need to be ever so cautious and careful of the "mind" food we ingest....

i want to be careful and cautious to provide anyone who reads this from ingesting anything which is non-nutricious
i'm rather health-conscious...so i'm not about the "easy" path but the good and right path...sure occasionally (often rather) i crave sweets and my deserts and of course my carbs...yet we all know to be healthy this has to be balanced with fruits, veggies, grains...so? my blog might be for those who are more on the health/mind conscious side...it might be a little like a vegetarian diet...hope this appeals to you....sorry, i try not to eat meat...and i'm not sure this is a meaty kind of thing i have going here, hopefully not a "fruity" one either, haha....let's call it "grainy"....k?

i'm going to eventually have a separate blog within here with various helpful links for aiding those dealing with some mild depression or other mind-health concerns...i'm no clinical healer...just one who tries to help herself....and since i've found some useful on-line resources i thought i'd pass them along...i even found some interesting articles on the use of the internet in self-healing...

so...slowly getting organized here folks...
in the meantime, believe there are many many places one can turn for assistance when grappling with issues of concern, be it interpersonal (relationships with others) or personal (relationship with self) do not despair if things seem to be out of sorts at the present moment in any area of your life, nature teaches us that there is an ebb and flow (Turn Turn Turn) and the Wheel of Fortune turns round and round..nothing is set in stone in our lives....whatever is of concern today may be a small issue of some inconsequence tomorrow

This weekend astrologically the sun moves into Pisces...wherever pisces sits in your natal chart is where you'll likely seem some upsurge of light and attention...and in a psychological, spiritual and artistic way. Don't despaire, hope is there

The Fixx - One thing Leads to another came to mind as i posted this for some reason, so i've posted those lyrics in the poems section, sorry, no new creations lately...a little pre-occupied with trying to aide some people astrologically

and yes, there'll be an astro blog within here or separately
in the meantime check out Rob Brezny's Free Will Astrology...http://www.freewillastrology.com/horoscopes/allsigns.html
he writes weekly in the Now Magazine published in Toronto
there are many good astrologers, think i'll point out a new one for you each day (wean you onto that diet slowly haha)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

so much to say!...

and so little time today...
time gets ever more precious
did you see this beautiful little slideshow?


i watched the men's mogul competition last night and the women's downhill...those girls were on fire!! if you're not watching the winter games what are you doing?

i'm curious what you're doing....

i've come across some amazing blogs and websites lately...perhaps that's why i'm a little flustered this am, there's so so much to say and do...and truthfully today i need to attend to a little neglected work...yuck!...so boring and unimaginative...so routinized and technical...
so you see i'm an artist an writer...a lover of music and colour trapped in a self-made silo....where financial security takes precedence as it allows me to fund travel to exotic locales, and pay for those poetry courses...and put me through university to study soc and psych (by the way i have found some amazing links for you on those...actually one is posted on a friend's site as a link - Z net...for Social Change

don't we all need change? yes, it is for sure the only constant in our lives and some of us struggle with that...especially those of us with large quantities of fixed planets and aspects in our charts...but the good thing about our natal charts...as we, they are evolving...so you see astrology is not deterministic or fatalistic...as the sky is always changing so are we...
keep an open mind folks...

i've recently come to the conclusion i'm going to have to set up alt blogs for all my various interests...they'll be acessible through here...just as i've branched out with the poetry one, there'll be a separate one for music, art, social and psych issues etc. it seems the best way to keep things organized...

btw i've been thinking...how important it is for us to pro-create...as it's a transendence of our genepool over time....how sad that all went before me in an anthropomorphic and homocentric way should just come to a full stop with me...don't you think? i'm 40 now, it's not too too late (going back to the time thing)...and yet...well, that's for a whole nother post, i just noted that astrologically it's not a bad time for me to concieve over a few days in the next month or so...not that i'm ready (partner wise) ....just reflecting...thinking out loud...don't worry if you're a prospective bf...

lots of songs have been running around in my head lately...what shall i suggest for this post? how about "i have been hanging around this town on the corner....been hanging around this town for way way way tooooo long...."
who's that?...let's go see

not having much luck, coming across alot of other stuff though

how about Pet Shop Boys?
Pet Shop Boys mp3 - Send Me An Angel.mp3 download Pet Shop Boys mp3 - Every Time I See You Falling.mp3 download
Pet Shop Boys mp3 - West End Girls.mp3 download
Pet Shop Boys mp3 - The Night I Fell In Love.mp3 download Pet Shop Boys mp3 - Love Is A Catastrophe.mp3 download Pet Shop Boys mp3 - Always On My Mind.mp3 download


anyways...more later

a bientot mes amici (un petite peu francais et italian)

noisy noisy loud lady in my office...SHHHHH! i want to say
Shhhhhh!…I need q u I e t…I can’t thinkCan’t people internalize…at least sometimes!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Olympiads!

Hoorah!!...for HEIL Jennifer winning gold in the moguls over the weekend

last night i watched the men's short skate program, unfortunately i missed PLUSHENKO Evgeni but caught WEIR Johnny ...amazing!!...and others after him...i was in awe

the Men's GS and downhill were incredible too ...
Official Results: Alpine Skiing
Men's Combined
Sestriere sub-area Colle - Tue 14 February 2006

RAICH Benjamin impressed me with the fact he lives in a beautiful rural area of Austria, where his father, a carpenter actually harvested wood from a nearby forest for his skis!

are you catching the spirit? does it make you want to excell to your own personal best?

certain mornings (when not attending an early yoga or pilates class at the gym) i will jog down to the finance district from Museum...i enjoy this early outdoor jaunt down University Ave., past my Alma Mater, the beautiful old stone bldgs. of U. of T. and the more modern ones now, all glass and nouveau architecture....past the parliment bldgs. and down "hospital alley"....some time back i was reflecting on how fortunate i am to be out on the street whilst many people lie up in those beds....a good number of my family spent their last days in Mt. Sinai, and i recall playing vigil at the bedside of my nono and my father there not long ago....

please, i say every day, let my life go on until i find my truest purpose...until i find the way to give back in the greatest possible way...to help others....

the Olympiads remind me of the dedication, and committment to a goal...their unwavering desire to accomplish a dream...we can all capture this spirit in the way we approach our everday lives....perhaps that's why i feel so inspired and uplifted by their vivacity and energy...their enthusiasm and joie de vivre...

Bless you all, may you find your days filled with purpose, hope, desire and joy!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Astro Insights on VDay as promised

k....most astrologers are saying the planets are wonderfully aligned today

here are some excerpts from various sites, astrologers i respect for their insights and explantations

Some people are happily single. They really don't want a life partner or even a 'love interest' and they resent the implication that, if they haven't got one, there must be something wrong with them. Others are in stable, committed, long-term relationships which contain little by way of classic "romance". This, though, happens to perfectly suit both people. Then, there are the folk who don't get on especially well with their partners... yet who have good reasons for trying to "weather the storm" for a while. All these people get a bit of a raw deal at this time of year. It's not just the shops that are full of cards, hearts and flowers... the horoscope columns too, can be insensitively twee. In all my forecasts this week, I have tried to be conscious of this... and to emphasise the kind of love life that we can all attain and enjoy. The kind that comes to us when we make a conscious decision to start "loving life"!

February 14: Venus sextile Jupiter, Mercury conjunct Uranus, Sun sextile Pluto Once a year, everyone's fancy turns to thoughts of love -- not simply to romance, although that's definitely the featured item on the menu, but to love of every kind. This is that time, and the heavens are in the mood to help you make it a day to remember. First off, lovely lady Venus, who virtually owns this day, has decided to spend it with her very favorite guy -- generous Jupiter himself, who never did know when to quit, in any department. No matter who you're out to spoil, with these two behind the steering wheel, you'll undoubtedly do a fine job of it. You'll also do a surprising job of it, since cerebral Mercury has teamed up with Uranus, the king of surprises, to make sure your loved ones have absolutely no idea what's coming. Added to the mix is the Sun in startling Aquarius (Uranus's own sign, who's equally skilled at surprises) working together with intense, sensual Pluto. If you're attached, take a pass on the chocolates and the sappy sweet card. Think rose petals that lead from the front door to the candlelit dining-room table, decked out with even more roses, candles and every possible food you know your sweetheart adores. This only happens once a year. Make it ultra-special.


Cupid Can't Keep Up ...With this heavenly Valentine's energy!
Oh la la ... love is certainly in the air on the 14th as
Venus sextiles Jupiter. Also on the 14th, Mercury conjuncts Uranus and the Sun sextiles Pluto, adding surprises and sensuality to the day's menu. If you have to return to practical matters by the 17th, rest assured that efficiency will skyrocket with Mars's move into Gemini. But don't worry: The Sun's arrival in sensitive Pisces on the 18th will be just the thing to calm things down a bit! For more in-depth info on what these transits mean and how they'll affect your week, read up on The Stars This Week.


Well, everyone's getting an A+ on this Valentine's Day quiz as the planets team up to make any romantic dream a reality! When Venus sextiles Jupiter early in the day, lighthearted fun with friends is guaranteed. Romantic surprises more your speed? Mercury's meeting with quirky Uranus will bring you just that. And for the candlelit-bubble-bath crowd, the Sun's sextile to sensual Pluto has things covered.
The Love Factor
Valentine’s Day promises to pack a few surprises, but all told they will be pleasant and turn out well. Mars and Venus are heading toward their third of 3 trines, a relatively rare pattern. Then, in October they conjoin in early Scorpio, making this a great year for love

Daily Cosmic Calendar

For a change -- and I have monitored Valentine's Day cycles for nearly 25 years! -- the romantic frequencies are extremely high and meritorious. The good news stems principally from a Venus-Jupiter sextile activating Capricorn and Scorpio (5:26AM PST) and a harmonious lunar trine to Venus in earth signs (10:06PM PST). These two flowing Venusian alignments are just what the doctor ordered for favorable love connections to form throughout the day and night. Amplified by a provocative and exciting Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Pisces (7:34AM PST) and highly productive Sun-Pluto sextile (6:40PM PST), this day has record-book potential in a glowing way. Make note of the fact that Mercury is uniting with its higher octave planet Uranus. The potential here for extraordinary insights is off the charts. The only thing that can bring you down is letting the lower qualities of lunar Virgo rule the day. That can come in the form of critical comments about a loved one or yourself, and being cantankerous and over-analytical. When happiness is within your grasp, don't become your own worst enemy and destroy it before you experience its warmth and joy.
Copyright, 2006 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd
.Contact Mark Lerner.

Valentine's Day 2006: Venus and Mars Mean Business

if you have your own venus in Capricorn you must just may be specially blessed

remember all of this is only guidance, tools for timing, it won't "do the work" for you in love, you need to be the one to take the chance, to be ready, to fall

"Love is the central flame of the universe, nay, the very fire itself." -Ernest Holmes Of course, during this Valentine's week, our focus is on "love."

accompanying music for this post:

http://theartistdirect.com - the Goo Goo Dolls – Give a Little Bit (Live)



Monday, February 13, 2006

"Rumi: The Book of Love."

*Valentine's Day Alert*

it's no big deal folks!...

Fall in Love the Rumi Way Intimacy with other people and with the divine is more about friendship--and hard work--than romance.

Interview with Coleman Barks
Translator Coleman Barks' versions of Jelaluddin Rumi have made the 13th-century Sufi the best-selling poet in America. Beliefnet talked with Barks recently about his latest collection, "Rumi: The Book of Love."


Romantic Love: A Basic Human Need?
Diane W. Shannon, MD, MPH

Taking Risks in Love and Life
Barbra Williams Cosentino, CSW, RNhttp://www.beliefnet.com/healthandhealing/getcontent.aspx?cid=14228&WT.mc_id=NL44#

check back tomorrow for astro insights on V-Day

Friday, February 10, 2006

"it's the normal guys that let you down...

psychos don't scare me, i know what to expect from them"

"that was short...just like all my relationships with men"

"you're the 2nd man this week that's killed me"

- Michelle Pfeiffer as Cat Woman, Batman

haha haha....Great isn't she

Cat Women we are ladies!

nothing rejuvenates more than my TKB, (Thai Kick Box) class on Fri pm's with my teacher of 6 years now, Lori Kirwan, she's amazing!!..such talent this woman has, such intelligent, strength, energy and motivation
She knows how to motivate us!

the music is always energerizing, uplifting, dance style....i always feel immensely better at the end of this class....and ironically i find that sometimes the more "peeved" i am the more energy i have to kick and punch....

i highly recommend exercise of any sort, spinning, jogging, TKB, martial arts, yoga, pilates, weight-training, raquet sports, skating, skiing, whatever!...just as Nike says "DO IT"...cause there's nothing better for beating the blues...

i recall in the summer how the first extended cycle journey was fuelled by the energy of some guy...i.e. me being peeved at some guy for the way he was treating me....

which brings me to my next point, don't let anyone get you down!...ever!!...you are in control of your feelings, thoughts....no one else...so don't step into anyone else's boobytrap....keep your wits and maintain your cool

be like the turtle, harden your shell....i'm finally learning at 40 to do this!!....incredible isn't it? that i let other people impact my thoughts, feelings, even activities...what a waste of precious time....

there's so so much good music in this world and i always like to provide a link to accompany my post, along with a pic

i think Madonna's "Hung Up" might be a good one for this post
imagine if you will...

Sorry for being so reactionary and emotive

Sam Roberts and band

Hi Folks;

i apologize if i've seemed any of the following in recent posts:

pendantic (i mean preachy); moralistic, superior...any of that stuff!

now, i've found another great site, thanks to a new special friend, My Space.com
likely most of you blog afficiandos have already experienced this spot
the groups are amazing!!...i even found a Science section, History, all kinds of cool stuff
do sign up and find a spot in the world for yourself amongst others of like mind

the music section is pretty cool too, all kinds of indie artists, which i love (nice to have some good music to listen to at work for a change!!) great variety

i want to find a way to make my site more interactive, with audio links and more pictoral...
less wordy ....i have a little html training, that's it, we'll see how it goes

i'm setting up a new blog for poetry specifically (within here)...i used to post to poetry.com, they don't seem set-up the same way anymore..there are lots of other cool poetry sites on line, i'll provide links to some of them as well in my new blog

i have lots of other ideas, i want to put a link for my Yoga teacher, Andrea Smith, she's amazing....and other great people i know who have websites... all the guidance and wisdom sites i subscribe to on line which provide daily affirmations (check out the Daily Angel and Loving links already here)

focus on the positive, that's the message, and i know we all know it, and i know we all forget it quite easily, i certainly am guilty of that, hence the daily subscriptions, sure beats daily prescriptives!!

i feel a little anxious as i have so much catching up to do...D = depresssion, can really get a hold of you and drag you down, don't let it!...grab onto the surface and start pulling up from the moment you feel yourself slipping, that's the trick, otherwise you fall too far down and it's really hard to climb out then, i know from experience
this will be another link, aides for treating your own emotional achilles (hey, we've all got 'em, don't let anyone make you feel small for being blue, we're all human, we all handle our hiccups differently) Don't judge...don't assume anything, and don't, don't, don't take it personally!...please!!

oh yes, please check back for an extended link section on all my favourite activist groups and organizations that i belong to, subscribe to, donate to

what are you doing? let us each be doing something positive that improves the world around us, just your corner is just fine! we all have a special contribution to make...and we'll all making it in the best way we can at the moment we're in at the place we're at

thanks for reading...
talk soon


ps, sorry for the rambling, stream-of-consciousness babble, i had many ideas come to me on the train this morning, and the whole time i was jogging down from Museum to King i reflected on all of this...all the while enjoying the cold air (i love it!), the flurries, the flags on University...my city, our city, our home....your home

i just wanted to get a bit of it out before i'm off for the w.e., won't have computer access, kinda nice to have a sabbatical on the weekends and just be in the cold air actually

one world, we're all connected...remember whatever we do has an impact, leaves an impression upon others....don't forget it!

let it......Flow

k, flow (1) guy Csikszentmihalyi sure had something....
especially as it relates to the Internet and i'm having a wee problem with it lately ...or am i?

Flow: What's worth living for? Wondering what happiness is? Wonder no more. In late 1994, I read a book named Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience , by one Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The book has had ...

Cached page

spreading activation, whatever we call it ...it's addictive!

i've been so amazed at all the stuff we can post into the world at large and connect our thoughts, ideas, feelings, and how those impact upon others instanteously...boundaries and borders almost disappear...we are so influential upon one another.....hopefully it will be the positive impressions we will reflect and act upon

for instance some synchronistic event occurs that gets your mind to thinking about one thing, another and then another, until a "eureka" type epiphanic moment occurs

i'm falling in and out of love daily!...it's incredible...
actually i have to admit to having a special friend i just "click" with....amazing isn't it? in this world full of "clicks" where everything happens with a "click"...you "click" you meet, you "click" you "f__", you "click" you're running away, you "click" you're mad now, ...then oh so so so sad.....and blue......then you "click" and hey somone new! presto....

let it all flow

....mostly let the love flow!

Byrds — “Turn! Turn! Turn!”
Words-adapted from the bible, book of ecclesiastes

Music-pete seeger
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to healA time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven
A time to build up,a time to break downA time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together
To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven
A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late


Eric FoardElectronica / Trance / Breakbeat

"YOUR IN THE MIX" San Jose, CALIFORNIA United States Profile Views: 636
Last Login: 2/8/2006

Turn, Turn, Turn – The Byrds

MySpace URL:


"Love is the answer and you know that for sure." -John Lennon

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I did it finally

started my application for on-line study in a counselling psych program out of AB
we'll see how it goes...if i get in, may have to settle for the Certificate vs. MA as my gpa is slightly lower than required...and i've not done any work in the field yet
at worst i lose the application fee, at best i've tried to fulfill a dream

k, have to admit, not doing so great at the "letting go" part
i wrote a series of letters to myself yesterday on the topic
i'm pretty much friendless in cyberspace ...despite many contacts from far and wide and i truly appreciate their communiqués (when i'm feeling up to it)...feeling badly for the ones i've let fall by the wayside recently
ok, i'm not the heliocentric trope of the blogzone
...have never been the centre of attention, and don't need to be, only to be appreciated

ok, i'm internal, sensitive, guarded
and no one that i know here really knows me enough to truly care
so? toughen up Kath is my message to me today
learn to stop hanging onto moving trains!

NEXT!...there are plenty of others who have interest in me, stop obsessing about those that want to buy other girls ice cream cones!
hey, don't you at least owe me a ...? nope, no one owes anybody anything, i know that
most especially here

sorry, i'm not of interest to you anymore
someone will find me such, i know
there are plenty of other fish,
but i'm seeking dolphins this time!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Know Thyself

Love Thyself

Mercury has moved into Pisces today

what does this mean for you? depends on where mercury sits in your chart, and where Pisces lies in your natal chart (if you'd like to prepare your own chart there a number of on-line sites, astro.com is one, astrology.com another)

we're moving into a more psychic, spiritual, and loving way of communicating, we're getting "out of our heads" and more into our hearts

you'll note the flurry of posts i put up today to this effect

Please don't anyone despair about the state of of their romantic life...there is a purpose, there is a reason, there is an answer...and here's part of it....
i saw Brokeback Mt. last night, please do go and see it for a truthful look at love. We all know, it's not a cake-walk, it's not all hearts and roses, it's both beautiful and painful. To love those you can't be with, to have an unrequited love, to love those who've left you (and you're caught in a perpetual love-hate see-saw), to be in an unequal relationship, to have trouble letting go of a relationship that has died, to have trouble letting go of those who've carried you and whom you've outgrown. To let go is not easy, to hang on can be equally hard if the person you love is in any way abusive or unkind.
We all need to experience the many facets and different sides of love to truly understand what it is. Each time we are given a trial we are being given an opportunity to see what we don't know, to feel the depths of our hearts and test the mettle of our being. I will never miss the opportunity to let those i love know this. If you've ever lost someone and not had the opportunity to do this you will see the importance of expressing what is in your heart.
Valentine's day promises to be uplifting for all of us, single or not.
Have hope, have faith, Believe!

Let it Be - The Beatles

Let it Be
The Beatles (Lennon/McCartney)

When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.

For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.

Yeah There will be an answer, let it be.
And when the night is cloudy,

There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be


i saw the A&E biography on John Lennon's assassinator the other night
let us not name him here as his purpose in history is God's will, perhaps to serve as an example to others who've experienced similar fates? our position is not to judge, nor condemn
rather i feel to try to understand why people do the things they do
For i believe Life is a Mirror....others serve as a reflection of our own selves

In my own life i found the synchronicity interesting, as
often words of songs come to me when i need them,
often when i'm very heart-broken these very words and their accompanying song ring,
as they apparently do for others, and i was glad to see this

Peace be with you all

(i want to bring earphones to work with me, some noisy people love to hear themselves talk! i can't hear myself think)

Hope for the Hopeless

Soft as the voice of an angel Breathing a lesson unheard;
Hope with a gentle persuasionWhispers her comforting word.-Alice Hawthorn,"Whispering Hope"

i heard this song on the radio this morning as i parked my car at the subway, the last song i hear sets the tone for my day, until i maybe attend a spinning class at lunchour and get "restrung"

so here you go,

Save Me - Shinedown

well I’ve got a candle and I’ve got a spoon
I live in a hallway with no doors and no rooms
and under a windowsill they all were found
a touch of concrete within the doorway without a sound

someone save me if you will
and take away all these pills
and please just save me if you can
from my blasphemy in my wasteland

how did I get here and what went wrong
couldn’t handle forgiveness now I’m far beyond gone
and I can hardly remember the look of my own eyes
how could I love this a life so dishonest it made me compromise

jump in the water jump in with me
jump on the alter lay down with me
the hardest question to answer is why
somebody save me
please don’t erase me

Love and Happiness are not limited quantities

Message to myself
there's enough ......
there is enough love and joy
for all of us
don't bemoan the scarcity ....
what is lacking is only the way you're seeing it!
there's this theory of abundance,

that in order to get you must first have
this prinicple applies to all things
it's the mindset which creates the reality
Heidigger's viewer dependent reality,

in extreme cases of existentialism
there's nihilism ...a zen state of nothingness
however, to keep this "conversational" let's call it

Self Created Reality,
i.e. what you think, believe,
is what IS
you create your life (cognitive psych)
what are you doing? reading other people's blogs? getting inside their heads? living vicariously through others, instead of living your own life

Get outside of your head...get into living NOW
what are you avoiding? what don't you want to face? yourself ?

L I V E!
N O W!!


Give thanks for little and you will find alot - The Hausa of Nigeria

Love and happiness are yours, just see it all around you, right now! because
Time cannot be negotiated

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

live your own life

forget the Train 48 style bloggers who live inside others heads, thoughts, ideas
the armshair psychologists
the wanna be beings of cyberspace
it's odd how we become so interested in the gossipy play-by-play of those whose lives don't touch us, don't heal us, don't do much of anything except maybe hinder us, distract us from our own "stuff"....how often i have used relationships to deter me from working on my own goals...a ready-made reason for failing

Saw Brokeback Mt. this eve, a reminder of the endless power of true love, and the sorrow that society will look upon our private lives with censorship...
still, no matter what the cost, how deep the pain, i know in my heart there is just one way to go....i must continue to seek that elusive love..... it's all that matters....in the meantime i have plenty to do!
now to refocus and let the past die...

figuring it all out

k, what if you're still not sure what you want to be? and you're 40!....i've had this dream to be a counsellor and i'm getting closer to that goal, having gone back to university and finished my BA in Psych. the summer before last (i graduated with a major in Sociology back in 1990), then when i started this job in finance 6 years ago i knew i wanted to do more, so i have been taking courses part-time ever since

i study astrology too, and my dream is to combine the two to offer people insights into themselves and to offer guidance in career, life, love, family, finance anything
now, you're likely saying, she can't even get it together, so why ought we believe that astrology can help us if she's uncertain what to do...well that is easily explained within my chart also, a Sagittarian influence gives me a scattered focus and a multitude of interests...including poetry, archaeology and anthropology
i teach skiing on the weekends which helps to express the Capricorn ruled 5th house of fun, creativity, children (mostly i love to teach little children)

Romance-wise, it's been tough with an in-built freedom-closeness dilemma 28Leo on AC opposing 28Aquarius on DC, plus a mars-venus conjunction in Sag. in the 4th...

there's more too, tons of it to go through, however for those of you unversed in astrology i won't drown you in terms and lingo, just suffice it to say, there are reasons for all of us to be in the place we are at the time in our lives we are...don't worry!...be there, you'll find your way eventually

we're not all the same, not meant to be, don't have to be

Astrology is not deterministic, fatalistic or pre-destined, it's simply a tool for self-understanding...we are driving the ship (with the guidance of a higher power)

i believe this, you may choose to believe whatever you wish, that's freedom

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hendrix, Dylan, Young...all the greats

one of my favourite things to do is transcribe the lyrics of a song when i'm listening to it
i recall doing this to Gabriel's Solisbury Hill in HighSchool and giving it to a friend in need

This past weekend it was Hendrix' Little Wing that lifted me, i'm sharing it with you here

music sustains me, holds me, uplifts me
one of my dreams is to write lyrics which will tanscend time

check these out available on LyricsFreak

Jimi HendrixLittle Wing

Well she’s walking through the clouds

With a circus mind that’s running round
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairy tales
That’s all she ever thinks about Riding with the wind.
When I’m sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
It’s alright she says it’s alright
Take anything you want from me, anything
Fly on little wing,
Yeah yeah, yeah, little wing


listen to it too! it will move you to tears

Sunday night i was watching a biography on Bob Dylan - his song Like a Rolling Stone has some classic lines that are unforgettable
as i was chatting with a friend i transcribed them for him right then "how does it feel.... to be out on your own.....with no direction home,..... like a complete unknown....like a rolling stone?"

the last in this triology of synchronicity on classic rock relates to an event that occurred
Sunday pm at the ski hill before i left, i overheard an older instructor telling a younger girl who was into punk rock what Neil Young's song "Ohio" meant, what it was all about...history captured in a snapshot of rhythmn and verse... time, captured immortally in music and lyrics...
"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming Four dead in Ohio." ("Ohio" lyrics by Neil Young)

the poetry, the rhythmn, the rush! when you're at a live concert and everyone's on the same vibe, in the same plane, in the same zone...music connects us all, transcending time...weaving us together... past, present, future

Stella, Maya and Mari

Stella, Maya and Mari
these were my students yesterday
they gave me such hope!

i teach skiing on the weekends
one of my priviledges is to teach little children, i just adore this, as they come up with the most amazing things to say!

Stella asked me if i was "pooor"...if i didn't have $ to buy food or a house to live in"? she asked (not sure why, perhaps it was because we didn't have time for hot chocolate during their private lesson), she said she didn't know why but she wished i was "pooor" she pronounced it like a little southern girl
"cause then she said you could find a house and have some food...and feel good"....her reasoning was astounding, it's all relative what we have, what we feel we lack

i felt guided in my search for meaning this weekend...as Stella's comments somewhat
paralleled Father Ed's sermon from the previous evening, he was visiting St. Mary's church in Collingwood; he's stationed at the Good Sheppard Ministries in Toronto where he helps to counsel people from all walks of life in their darkest and direst moments, the stories he told were heart-wrenching, and yet hopeful too
People who sometimes appear to us "have it all" in a material or achievement sense may in fact be quite empty in a soulful way....
and yet, despite whatever we lack we are all blessed in different ways, even in our times of trial we are being guided to a higher destination...i believe so

Maya, Stella's sister had a hard time of it yesterday, her 3 1/2 year old sister seemed somehow more insulated, more courageous, less likely to take any "guff" from anyone...whilst Stella was busy taking off her skiis and making snow angels laughing at me as i chased her down the hill, Maya was being picked-on by some nasty boys...(how nasty boys can be, i recall, i know it still)...i told her to let it roll like "water off a duck's back", not to let that hurt her

Mari, my last student, a challenged child, but happy in her own world...she, from our perspective will have a harder time in our world, her pace slower, her thoughts insular....yet perhaps her world is more beautiful than Maya's who at times will suffer greatly having allowed the thoughts and feelings of those emotionally inferior to impact her world
and sadly of the three it was Maya who reminded me most of myself...and it was Stella i most admired

three little girls .....such a treasure, they taught me so much yesterday!
thank you!

Friday, February 03, 2006

he's talking

he's breathing
his heart beats
not for me

i joined another animal rights activist group today
this joins the Humane Society and IFAW

and my other social welfare groups, World Vision and Amnesty International

there are places my heart is needed
places my heart can beat

Venus turns stationary direct today at 16deg. Cap, she has been retrograde since Christmas Eve
may Love hold you

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Blow away
forget those that forget you
wish we could

so easily ...just phew!
Blow away

Blow away
people who hurt us
Blow away
love that betrays us
wish i could draw you a big wind tunnel
just BLOW!!! phew....blow
forget them


Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Trouble letting go
all of these have a common component
an unreadiness to move on
Just as Depression has the need to turn us inward when we have not given the soul the food it desires
the R-C is repeating a pattern that cannot be changed until the lesson is learned
why are we destined to repeat old mistakes? our soul wants to grow, it wants to evolve
the spirit wants to fly higher
it cannot if it is trapped in old ways of relating and being
the pain of recognition that you've stepped in that same old hole!
'til you avoid it or learn to walk down a different street altogether
learn to love yourself enough to do this
we don't have to stay mired in the same muck time and time again
we are meant to grow
to grow-outward
so go inward when you need
fend off would-be "do-gooders" with vested-interests and wounds all their own
let them work out their own "stuff" whilst you sift through yours
maybe you'll meet on the new road somewhere up the lane!